LWVMpls Unit Leaders List and Profiles 2023-24
Units are small groups of members who meet regularly to discuss key issues pertinent to our lives in a democracy. They typically meet monthly from September through May. If you are interested in joining one of these in-depth discussions, please feel free to visit several units in order to find the one where you feel at home. Email the contact ahead of the meeting or just jump in on zoom and introduce yourself. We’d love to have you! Questions? Email us at [email protected].
All units are open to new members and welcome guests. New units may be formed at any time.
Unit | Contact | Meeting Information | Profiles |
11/1 | Jane Papageorgiou [email protected] Pam Telleen [email protected] Carolyn Hendrixson [email protected]
Join Zoom Meeting: https://lwvmn- org.zoom.us/j/81440465140?pwd=Szlx ZUhtNkRibkZiclRjejNqL0xqdz09 |
2nd Tuesday, Arrive by 7:00 PM
Meeting begins 7:30 |
Unit 11 and Unit 1 joined forces in October 2023. Members live mostly in south-southwest Minneapolis (those who’ve moved away generally remain members) and are active in LWV and the community. Special interests: education, libraries, city government, judiciary, and voting. Discussion is lively. We start each year with a potluck dinner, enjoy a December holiday gathering with a guest speaker, and enjoy dessert and coffee at monthly meetings. We meet in person in good weather months (September-December/April-May) and on Zoom in the cold, dark months. We encourage participation in Program Planning in January and the Annual Meeting in June. We expect members attending in-person meetings to be fully vaccinated, and we welcome visitors and new members. Since joining together, in- person meeting attendance has averaged 19. |
25/29 | Susan Anderson [email protected] Katie Fournier [email protected]
Join Zoom Meeting: https://lwvmn- org.zoom.us/j/87255709582?pwd=QnZ 5YkVSWHBVdmdUdHVNeUwwd3lOQT 09 |
2nd Wednesday, 1:00 PM | Unit 25/29 (Northeast and Southeast) Our meeting notification goes to a number of people; the meetings draw a varying group of 7 to 10 members for our unit discussions. We are working women, retired women, mothers, grandmothers, liberals, and conservatives. (Ages range from the 30’s to the 70’s.) Members are interested in: climate change, immigration, housing, social policy, international relations, environmental policy, education, and elections and government process. We are currently meeting by Zoom and missing our monthly coffee and treats. We meet in the afternoon and we welcome people from all over the Twin Cities. |
48 | Rosemary Lawrence [email protected] Meg Walters [email protected]
Join Zoom Meeting: https://lwvmn- org.zoom.us/j/83311609441?pwd=bGhj QTRnUDRDT09jM0VDZGc5bExJdz09 |
3rd Monday, 7:00 PM | Unit 48 members live in north, south Minneapolis, Kenwood/Isles, Uptown, downtown, and beyond. We have long-term and newer members, with attendance averaging about ten to twelve per meeting. We usually meet in members’ homes, but are open to other ideas.
Some of our members have had experience in League activities including participation in events and projects, and serving on the board, and many are active in the community, so discussion is usually lively and informed. Visitors and new members of diverse backgrounds, locations, and ages are very welcome. |
53 | Deborah Jindra [email protected] Sue Verrett [email protected] | 3rd Tuesday 7:30 PM
(7:00 – Social time) 7:30 PM – Meeting |
Unit 53 began in Bryn Mawr in the 1950s and now includes members living downtown, Southwest Minneapolis, and suburbs. Typical attendance is about 12. Some members work outside the home while many are retired. Members bring various interests and backgrounds
to the group for discussions. Some members are active in LWV beyond the Unit level, |
For In-person meeting information: contact Karen Ringsrud [email protected]
Join Zoom Meeting: https://lwvmn- org.zoom.us/j/82025728553?pwd=YmJ0 MUNWQk1lWERMU0xUblhYNnVEUT09 |
serving on the board or lobbying LWV positions at the legislature. We welcome diversity of all kinds – racial, religious, and sexual orientation. We began meeting in person again in September 2021 and will continue as long as health guidelines allow. We held meetings via Zoom during the pandemic and will do that again if needed. We have become great friends through LWVMpls but warmly welcome new participants. We will mentor new members to help them get involved beyond the Unit meetings if desired. |