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New SMS Service for Voters from MN Office of Secretary of State!

Text: 651-217-3862. Make sure you have all the info you need as a Voter right at your fingertips.

Or Call 1-877-600-VOTE (8083)

The Office of the Secretary of State has introduced a free SMS text service to text all your questions to. You will not be added to any lists or signed up for any reminders. This number is part of the Office’s Call Center, with real people on the line who will answer any questions you have.

For reliable sources of voter and election information go to:

Election Protection or Vote411 Minnesota.

Early Voting Graphic by Monique

2024 Election and Voting Resources

2024 Democracy Series—Monthly articles from LWV Minneapolis on Elections and Voting

Article 1:  Disinformation: How It Impacts Elections and What We Can Do About It
Article 2:  We Are Secure In Our Votes. That Makes MN #1!
Article 3:  The AI Revolution: Navigating Its Impact on Elections
Article 4:  Pledge to Vote: Nuts and Bolts


If you want help translating Minneapolis Election information, call 311 or 612-673-3000.

  • Español (Spanish) - Atención. Si desea recibir asistencia gratuita para traducir esta información, llama 612-673-2700
  • Hmoob (Hmong) - Ceeb toom. Yog koj xav tau kev pab txhais cov xov no rau koj dawb, hu 612-673-2800
  • Soomaaliga (Somali) - Ogow. Haddii aad dooneyso in lagaa kaalmeeyo tarjamadda macluumaadkani oo lacag la’ aan wac 612-673-3500

Disability Rights

Your vote is your voice and everyone wants to vote, including people with disabilities. Based in MN statute, The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Voting Rights Act, people with disabilities have specific rights when it comes to voting.

MN Disability Rights

Kid's Guide to Voting

Kids are the voters of tomorrow so let's help them discover why their voice matters. Helping kids gain an understanding of the process of governance with set the stage.