Help us empower and educate voters and strengthen democracy.

Contact Us

Interested in learning more about the League of Women Voters Mpls? Please contact us!

Ready to check out opportunities to volunteer with the League of Women Voters Mpls? Volunteer Interest Form.

Or email works too!  [email protected]


Have your voice heard by elected officials and policy makers. Here are a few ways to get involved at the city, state and national levels:

Get involved locally by joining one of the LWVMpls committees such as Voter Services, Community Engagement, or Reimagining Public Safety. Watch for action alerts from LWVMpls, attend your unit meetings, participate in planning and annual meetings, and/or attend Civic Buzz.


There are many ways you can support us. Becoming a member will open a myriad of opportunities for leadership, education and working with people who share your passion for participatory democracy. Making a donation will support the non-partisan work the League does in our community.

LWVMpls Election Greeters


You do not need to be a member of the League of Women Voters, Mpls  to volunteer - although being a member connects you with other members and ensures you are in the loop for events, programs, and current volunteer opportunities. We'd love to have you join us!

If you’re interested in a specific LWVMpls project or program, we will be happy to connect you with others working in that area. Check out our committees below to see all the areas in which we are actively involved.

You can choose a one-time activity, such as helping register voters; a short-term project, such as a fundraiser; or a leadership position, such as a committee chair or board member. Of course, your involvement can change over time.

Find a committee—or two—that interests you and contact us to get connected.

Voter Services and Education

Voter Services is at the core of all we do, with numerous opportunities for involvement. Central to its mission is engaging people in democracy in a nonpartisan way, especially targeting groups with traditionally low voter turnout. Training is provided for all activities that involve public interaction.


Help register voters, including youth voters. Research and write, or help distribute, voter guides. Write educational articles for voters. Help organize candidate forums or serve as a forum moderator, question sorter or timekeeper. 

Get involved in Election Night Services or Neighborhood Elections, which operate within the LWVMpls Voter Services Committee.


Work with a committee responsible for generating revenue for the organization through fundraisers, grants, and donations.


Strategize with committee members to recruit, welcome, and mentor new members. Strengthen LWVMpls by enhancing member involvement, retaining and growing membership levels, and creating personal connections with members.


Help plan and produce Civic Buzz, a speaker/discussion series on current local topics. Help plan and produce the annual Program Planning meeting, where issues for action are discussed and agreed upon by consensus of LWVMpls members.


Work on both internal and external communications. Work with other committees to promote what we do in the wider community. Oversee our website and social media. If you have graphic design skills, help design communication materials and support website work. Help write and edit communication materials.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Continue to learn and discuss DEI through a LWV lens, working with the Board to organize programs, develop diverse partnerships and advocate for systems change.

Advocacy and Action

Become aware of our positions; then take action. Actions range from signing petitions and drafting statements on local events to meeting with your legislator, individually or via Zoom with other members.

Community Engagement

Support and advise all LWVMpls committees. Support community events and collaborate with community organizations. For example, the committee participated in the 2022 Minneapolis Community Connections Conference, creating an exhibition booth and providing outreach to other participant organizations and attendees.


Observe Park Board meetings and issue public comments, focusing both on process and on issues that can be informed by LWVMpls positions.

Reimaging Public Safety

The LWVMPLS Reimagining Public Safety Committee (RPSC) was formed to examine policing and public safety issues in the wake of George Floyd’s death in the summer of 2020 and calls to significantly reform or even abolish the Minneapolis Police Department. Committee members continue to remain current on the complex public safety issues, and educate on and advocate for the important changes needed.