Sexual Assault and Policing; Continuing the Conversation
Join us Tuesday, September 4th for the first Civic Buzz of the 2018-19 program year when our topic will be Sexual Assault and Policing – Continuing the Conversation.
This important issue was brought to light by articles this summer in the Star Tribune series, Denied Justice: When Rape is Reported but Nothing Happens, focusing on victims of sexual assault and the lack of response from Minnesota’s police departments .
Our speakers will be Teri McLaughlin, Executive Director of Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MNCASA) and Kristen Houlton Shaw, Executive Director of the Sexual Violence Center. MNCASA provides leadership and resources for sexual assault programs and allies to prevent sexual violence while promoting a comprehensive, socially just response for all victims/survivors. The Sexual Violence Center provides a 24-hour crisis line, one-to-one counseling, support groups and more.
We meet at the Black Forest Inn, 26th and Nicollet in the Banquet Room.
Register and add this event to your calendar here:
These meetings are free and open to the public. Invite others. Let’s widen the conversation. Thank you to our neighborhood sponsor, the Whittier Alliance.
If you weren’t able to attend or just want to review this event you can watch the video courtesy of The Uptake.