North Community High Student Blog: What we learned from the election
“Vote, Vote, Vote! Because your voice matters!” -- Jani Jackson
North Community High students sponsored their own forum for the candidates for Ward 5’s city council seat and for mayor. After the forum, which we posted on the LWVMpls website, I asked the students what they had learned. Here are a few of their comments, lightly edited.
Thank you to the students – your votes and your voices do indeed matter! (Note: You can still see the student moderators in action on the forum video here.)
And remember, it’s never too soon to be thinking about the next election – the midterms in November 2022.
--Anna Treimer, LWVMpls Communications Coordinator
Jani Jackson, moderator of the Ward 5 City Council debate
Khadija Ba, moderator for the mayoral debate
Here's What the Students had to Say:
Why were you interested in this form of civic engagement?
Khadija: I wanted to be in control of their debate and get a closeup on the action.
Jani: Having open debates without the candidates knowing the questions gives us
real uncensored answers. I also love asking questions and learning about other people’s
Did you learn anything new from this event or from your experience with the candidates?
Khadija: I learned about what the mayors have to deal with as they are voted into their positions.
Jani: I didn’t know local elections were so intense!
Do you think it is important for youth to be involved in local elections and government?
Khadija: I think it is important for youth because we are the ones who the elections affect.
Jani: Yes, because we are the future and the things we are voting on will affect youth in the
future – we set the foundation for change.