JUST PUBLISHED! Reimagining Public Safety Study

See the study
To LWVMpls Membership,
In the early summer of 2020, the LWVMpls Board of Directors added Policing in Our City to our programming plan for 2020-2021. Part of this plan was to establish a study committee on the issue of Reimagining Public Safety with the intent of updating the League position on policing.
Since last September, this committee has not only worked to understand and define the complex issues involved in public safety, but also to clearly present these to the public on the LWVMpls website. This work provides history, context, insight into reform activity needed and currently underway, an overview of the roles and players in the public safety landscape, and tips for your personal engagement.
The committee also developed 6 study questions that we will be sending out in a survey to all members next week. Your responses will allow us to develop consensus and update our League positions. Public safety is a critical issue to Minneapolis residents. And in the November elections, public safety will be a ballot issue as we make decisions on amendments and candidates who will shape this evolving landscape. We encourage you to read, understand, participate in the consensus survey, and become an active and informed voter on this important public policy issue.
See the Study Questions, survey will follow.
Many thanks to the committee members who brought us this study and website: Susan Gray, Jennifer Wilson, Jane Lansing, Carolyn Trevis, Catherine Shreves, Ellen van Iwaarden, Mary Katherine Johnson, Ming-Yee Li, Pat Kovel-Jarboe, Polly Keppel, Susan Reinhart, and Pam Telleen.