Healthy Legacy 4: Urban Agriculture (2012)
The Healthy Legacy Forum on urban agriculture was held March 22, 2012.
Homegrown Minneapolis: “A citywide initiative expanding our community’s ability to grow, process, distribute, eat and compost more healthy, sustainable, locally grown foods.”
Urban Agriculture Policy Plan: The City of Minneapolis has adopted a comprehensive policy to guide land use decisions related to urban food production and distribution.
Gardening Matters: A nonprofit dedicated to promoting and preserving community gardening across the Twin Cities.
Deb Wallwork: Dirty Work, the trailer with Kingfield Farmer’s Market. Local documentary to be shown at the Healthy Legacy forum.
Community Table is helping to establish a local food system that draws from the local land base to sustainably produce, process, and market fresh and healthy food to meet the needs of the local community.
Land Stewardship Project is involved with Homegrown Minneapolis. The mission is to foster an ethic of stewardship for farmland, to promote sustainable agriculture and to develop sustainable communities.
Ladonna Redmond on Food Justice, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)
Supermarket and fast food study: A recent study has concluded that increased supermarket access “does not translate into improvements in diet and health” — and instead tied health to the prevalence of fast food restaurants.
Statewide Health Improvement Program: Learn about experiences with EBT at farmers markets in Minneapolis! Read about the projects happening in Minneapolis as part of SHIP!
Environmental Justice of Minnesota EJAM: EJAM’s new focus of work is localized sustainable economic growth on the North side of Minneapolis.
Eureka Recycling described its composting program at the forum.
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) Food and Health