The LWV MPLS DEI Committee Wants You to Join!

What does diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) mean to LWVMpls members?  How do we learn, change and practice this principle?

The DEI Policy applies to all levels of LWV. Diversity, equity and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.  There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization.

What does this mean to the Minneapolis League?  What does this mean to you?  The city election is over and what is next for you?

If this interests you, consider joining the LWVMpls DEI Committee.  We will continue to learn and discuss DEI through a LWV lens, work with the Board to organize programs, to develop diverse partnerships and advocate for systems change.  Bring your ideas too.

To learn more or to join the committee, please contact me.  Our first meeting will be in January. When and Zoom or in person will be determined by committee consensus.