2023 City Council Candidate Forums
All 13 city council seats are up for election this year. LWV Minneapolis is partnering with neighborhood associations and other local civic organizations to conduct candidate forums. All forums will be conducted with a live audience, live streamed, and videotaped. All candidates who file with the Minneapolis Election & Voter Services will be invited to participate.
Statement on Candidate Forum Recordings
The League of Women Voters sponsors candidate forms to provide the public with an opportunity to hear candidates discuss the issues that are important to members of the public. The League is a nonpartisan organization that does not support or oppose any political party or candidate. The views expressed in each forum are those of the candidates, not those of the League of Women Voters. LWV posts complete, unedited recordings of forums. Editing is authorized only for official media reporting. Excerpts or edited clips of candidate forums may not be used for partisan, political purposes.